After our family time of reading from Belen's Bible story book, it was time to pray. Every night, Gavin and I take turns praying. (We try to keep it short so Belen won't go berserk.) Tonight, when I said, "It's Daddy's turn," Belen said, "My turn." We have told her before that praying is talking to God, so tonight I said, "Just tell Jesus you love Him." And Belen said her first prayer.
"I love you, Jesus. Amen."
Are there any words more beautiful to hear your child say? I imagine how Jesus is moved with love by a little one saying those words from a heart of innocence and humility. She is only beginning to understand who Jesus is, and yet she can know that He loves her and is moved to respond by expressing her love to Him.
Blown Away by Child-Like Faith,
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