Since she turned 1, we have been introducing Belen to art. Of course she loves this new way to investigate the world. She wants to see the beautiful colors and shapes .... as well as taste and feel them! hahahahaha
Finger painting at home.
I know I am a proud parent, but is it just me (and Gavin), or does this picture look like a 3/4 frontal view of a face?!?! Of course it is a more impressionistic portrait, but amazing none the less! hahahahaha I think we have a budding Picaso on our hands.
This video is a perfect representation of how she wants to see, taste and feel to explore her world through art! hahaha
I love her artwork!! I need to introduce Silas to some finger painting! Speaking of art, we won't be able to make it to the art thing on Saturday. Thanks so much for letting me know though. Hope we can catch up soon! Miss y'all!
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