Playing with pots while Gavin and I cook
Looking at this picture, you might be tempted to say that Belen might become a chef when she grows up. If only! At this point, I am more likely to guess that she will be anorexic!
Things in the Stevens' household have been crazy the last few days / weeks. After over a month and a half of eating tons of homemade babyfood at every meal, Belen has suddenly decided that she doesn't want to eat anything I try to feed to her. This has been building for the last few weeks, where we had to try by hook and by crook to get her to eat, but today was the worst. I worked for 30 minutes at lunch to get her to eat three bites! I don't think the actual food is the problem. She WILL NOT open her mouth to accept the spoon! She will only eat things she can feed herself, so I am attempting to offer her more and more finger foods. But that is kinda tricky since she doesn't have even a single tooth! All I want is for her to eat! What is a mother to do? Really, what am I to do? (Any suggestions would be helpful! hahaha)
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