Friday, July 15, 2011

Playing Inside

On Thursday it rained all day.... again. I don't want to complain, we really need the rain, but Belen loves to play outside so much that the rain is really throwing a kink into the last part of our summer. I'm running out of things to do! So I thought really hard about what I used to want to do on rainy days. Build a fort of course! What kid doesn't love a fort? Certainly not mine. We had the best time.

Keeping an eye out to make sure that no one follows her in the fort.

Hanging out.

Eating cookies and milk in the fort.

On a separate note, how cute was Belen after her nap that day! The little blue shirt she is wearing was mine as a child. My Mom just gave it to me for Belen last week. It is so worn that it feels like silk. I can't think of anything more cozy for her to wear to snooze!



Thursday, July 7, 2011

Extreme Bed-Head!


It's hard to believe, but this is the actual state Belen's hair was in when I woke her up this morning. I have to say, I'm kinda proud! This has to be a talent that could come in handy one day. For instance, if she wants to join an 80's metal revival band, or be a runway model, not much would have to be done. If nothing else, maybe this will be inspiration for Luke and Gavin when they at long last film "The Extreme Morning of Luke Sedotal."



Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We had a wonderful 4th of July, and we hope all of you did as well!



Friday, July 1, 2011

First Words of Praise

After our family time of reading from Belen's Bible story book, it was time to pray. Every night, Gavin and I take turns praying. (We try to keep it short so Belen won't go berserk.) Tonight, when I said, "It's Daddy's turn," Belen said, "My turn." We have told her before that praying is talking to God, so tonight I said, "Just tell Jesus you love Him." And Belen said her first prayer.

"I love you, Jesus. Amen."

Are there any words more beautiful to hear your child say? I imagine how Jesus is moved with love by a little one saying those words from a heart of innocence and humility. She is only beginning to understand who Jesus is, and yet she can know that He loves her and is moved to respond by expressing her love to Him.

Blown Away by Child-Like Faith,


Park Play

I just can't bear to make Belen stay inside all day long! She loves to play outside too much. So we go out to the park early in the a.m. and go to shady parks. You can tell just by looking at her face how happy she is!



Saturday, June 25, 2011

Silly Girl!

Every day that our girl gets older, she gets sillier!

On Friday of last week, she decided to try on Mommy's slippers and walk around the house.

I always finishing up cleaning or going to the bathroom just in time to find her in some silly position or pretending in a way that makes me laugh. Here she is hiding from me under a pillow. I don't know what gives her away more, her head and legs hanging out, or her stuffed animals everywhere.

Lately, her stuffed animals have become her best friends. I like to call them her entourage because she carries them around where ever she goes. Minnie comes with us to the library and the grocery store, Nanna (her baby doll) comes for walks around the block, and the bear always has to come outside to play.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I should be flattered beyond belief. Belen tries to copy everything I do! Like fixing my hair.

This summer has be so fun! This time watching my daughter grow has been invaluable!



Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trying to Beat the Heat!

Now that summer is in full swing, the heat in South Louisiana has become its own person. Even as early as 9:00 a.m. it has become much too hot for our favorite go-to activity, going to the park. So I am trying to get creative and try new ways for Belen and I to spend time together.

This morning Belen helped me bake blueberry muffins. She poured the milk and stirred the batter. She watched as I put the muffins in the oven, and we made sure to check on them often so that she could connect the batter that we made with the muffins that we would eat. Belen loves to take credit for her work, (she always points at the artwork on the fridge and says, "I made it!") so I was hoping she would understand that SHE made the muffins. I don't know if she did or not, but she sure had fun mixing the batter. I showed her how to dip her finger in to taste, and it was all over her face in two seconds! Good thing only she and I were eating them!

Belen enjoying the muffins SHE made.

Unfortunately, I have gotten into the habit of reading magazines while Belen and I eat. (It is hard to keep a 20 minute conversation going with a 1 1/2 year old who is busy stuffing her face!) That will have to be a bad habit that I pull the plug on. While eating breakfast, Belen said, "I read. Book." I realized that she was watching me read and wanted to as well. So I got one of her Chick-fil-A kids meal books for her to look at. That was not good enough! She wanted MY book. I guess she thinks that you are supposed to read magazines while eating! hahaha

Belen emulating Mommy. Unless, of course, she really
IS interested in hiking the trails of Yosemite after dark.

Prayerfully I will let this be a lesson to me. Belen will watch everything I do and learn about the world from it. I need to be conscience to model things that will benefit her, bring her closer to God and her family, and teach her to love and value others.



Thursday, June 16, 2011

Morning Ritual

"Just call me Robin Scherbatsky."

When Belen grows up to be a famous and adventurous travel writer, I will tell her its because she has been reading National Geographic Traveler while drinking her morning coffee since the age of 1 1/2.

The true story: I came back from using the bathroom just after breakfast one morning and Belen was helping herself to my morning ritual!



Day at the zoo!

About a month ago, Gavin and I took Belen to the zoo with the Rivets and Stevens. It was lots of fun.

Riding the Endangered Species Carousel.

Petting a hedgehog.

Making friends.... sort of.



Summer Vacation!

Our summer vacation was a blast. We went with my whole family (our family, my parents and my sisters and their families) to Gulf Shores, Al. This was Belen's first trip to the beach! She had lots of fun, at least the first day! hahahaha Seriously, she loved the beach and the sand, but refused to go anywhere near the water after the first night. Who can know the mind of a child? Here are a few pics to summarize our trip!

Filled with excitement on the trip there.

Posing at Storyland in City Park.
(We stopped there to play and have lunch on the way to Gulf Shores.)

Riding Mary's Little Lamb at Storyland.

First time at the beach!

She was all smiles the first day at the beach!

Posing for her beach photo shoot!

Everyone's favorite activity was boogy-boarding. (I will be merciful and not post any of the adult pics! hahaha)



Belen pretending she knows how to boogy-board. Lately, her favorite thing to do is imitating everything the bigger kids do.

As you can tell, we had a great time!



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter Everyone!

I know this post has been long in coming! Especially Paw Paw has been wishing that I would put more pics up. Take heart Paw Paw! I will be getting back into blogging! Here are a few pics from Easter for now! I hope yours was great!

In our Easter best.

I think she enjoyed her first chocolate Easter Bunny. Don't know what gives me that idea....



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Night at the Boo-seaum

Happy Halloween!

I know, I know. It's a little late! But really, is it ever too late to see a cute kid in their costume?

Having fun with Mommy at Night at the Boo-seaum.

In case you were wondering, Belen is Sashimi, or Sushi Nigiri. Apparently people in Houma/Thibodaux must not be huge sushi eaters. No one knew what she was supposed to be. Thank God for Uncle Blair or I would be forced to think that I am a failure at costume making (especially after last year's candy corn fiasco). But if Blair "King of Sushi" Stevens got it right away, I feel justified! haha

Below is a picture I used for inspiration while making the costume. Brush up on your Sushi/Sashimi knowledge here.

I hope you enjoyed Halloween as much as we did!



Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's Going on Here?!

Belen was painting again the other night. Maybe it is just me, because I watch way too much CSI, but doesn't this look more like a crime scene than an innocent night of painting! Obviously I am not afraid of her making a mess.



Getting Bigger Every Day

So here's the hard truth... Belen is growing up. An obvious truth, I know, but one that is kind of a hard pill to swallow! hahahaha

Looking so mature in her first-ever school picture.

Playing like a little kid in her room.

Chillin' like a villain.

Belen has become a master of the playground. Look, no help!



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Fall!

Since the temperature has finally dropped below 85 degrees, it is officially fall in Louisiana! And, as all of you know, I love the fall! October is the absolute best!

Luckily, we have had fall break from school this Monday - Wednesday. I have been having such a great time at home hanging out with my little love. We have been enjoying each other, the beautiful weather, and new experiences.

Belen painted a pumpkin to celebrate! (Thanks for the pumpkin Mrs. Lauren!)

I made pumpkin smelling play dough! Find the recipe at POV's website.

Gavin and Belen playing with the pumpkin play dough.

Play dough is so much fun!



Monday, October 11, 2010

Walking Away

We were finally able to catch Belen on film walking. She hasn't taken off yet, like I expected her to, but she is getting more confident. 17 steps in a row is her current max.

Yesterday Gavin and I were sending her between the two of us, and we kept backing up every time. She is getting good! hahahahaha

Here are some videos. (Don't watch the second one if you get motion sick! We are amature filmographers after all!)

What a big girl!



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Artist by Nature

Since she turned 1, we have been introducing Belen to art. Of course she loves this new way to investigate the world. She wants to see the beautiful colors and shapes .... as well as taste and feel them! hahahahaha

Finger painting at home.

A gallery of Belen's work, some from school, some done at home.

I know I am a proud parent, but is it just me (and Gavin), or does this picture look like a 3/4 frontal view of a face?!?! Of course it is a more impressionistic portrait, but amazing none the less! hahahahaha I think we have a budding Picaso on our hands.

This video is a perfect representation of how she wants to see, taste and feel to explore her world through art! hahaha

