Our Little Girl turned 1 on September 9, 2010. To celebrate we had a picnic birthday party at Shady Oaks Park in downtown Houma. It was a little warm (which explains why my baby is not wearing clothes in her birthday pictures. How embarrassing!) but the party was lots of fun.
We were all too busy having fun to take pictures, but Colt helped out by taking pictures of her first bites of cake (over 60 pictures!!! Thanks Colt!) These are the funniest pictures anyway!

Belen's first bite of cake.

She's not too sure what to make of it.

In this pic, it looks like she doesn't like the cake too much, but feels obligated to keep eating it since we went through so much trouble to make it. (It is a magnifying glass looking at ants, in case you couldn't tell. Get it? Ants at a picnic? Maybe the concept is a little too abstract for a 1 year old's birthday! hahahaha)

This was the point where she quit eating, and started smearing the cake on herself!

The aftermath.
The birthday party went well, but Gavin and I are just ecstatic that our little girl has made it to 1 year old. She is such a blessing in our lives that we thank God for every second of every day! Thank you to all of you who joined us in celebrating and thanking God for her as well.