Recently we have been blessed to be able to spend a good amount of time with our families having fun. Here are some pics.
Back in August, Julie and the kids were able to come back to Houma for a visit before everyone had to start school. It was a great trip! We all played together, Julie and I got pedicures, we went shopping, visited the Aquarium of the Americas and the Children's Museum in New Orleans, ate alot and had tons of fun. Praise God that they have moved closer and we get to see them much more often!

Jimmy and Belen chillin' at Sam's. (I love the double grocery carts!)

I guess Julie's suitcase as a comfortable a place to sit as any.
Belen fearlessly touches a stingray at the Aquarium.
Belen keeps her smile despite the ominous-looking situation with the shark.
If this picture doesn't make you smile, your heart is made of stone!
Lauren and Jimmy are the cutest sea creatures around!
To celebrate Ashton's 6th birthday, Gavin, Belen, Blair, Heidi, Ashton and I spent the day at the Audubon Insectarium. It was awesome! I know I sound like a big kid, but I had the best time! We all did. If only we had a picture to document the fact that I actually ate crickets and meal worms!

Ashton and Belen are riding in a VW Love Bug.

Taking a closer look at mudbugs with Aunt Heidi.